Bringing Love

& Joy to YOU…

Since 2020

Bringing our fully trained and

certified Labrador Retriever

to you.

Our pet becomes your

“fur friend” for a day.

Meet Our Pup


Grizzly the Chocolate Lab…

Calm and wise, Grizzly is the perfect companion for anyone looking for an adventure. For a less active experience he responds well to commands and has a gorgeous, lustrous coat.



If there are young children who need a fun surprise, Grizzly is the perfect dog. Part playmate, part nanny, he will tire them out while keeping a watchful eye on everything.


Adopting is one of the

best things you can do.

Meeting our Labrador may give you insight or encouragement to have a pet of your own. If so, please keep in mind local adoption. When you adopt, you’re not just giving a deserving dog a home. You’re also reducing the demand for puppy mills and other industrial-scale breeding operations that put profit before animal welfare.